
Dear Sir,
Patients with COVID-19, the disease caused by infection with the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, have, as known, amplified reaction of the mechanisms of inflammation and coagulation with severe respiratory failure, multi-organ toxicity and multi-district thrombosis1. Heparin is one of the most widely used drugs in the management of COVID-19, although there is not complete agreement on when to start therapy, the type of heparin to use and the most effective dosages2. Many patients with this infection have thrombocytopenia3, which is more pronounced in the severe forms. We wondered if this could be linked not only to the general clinical picture and the therapies used, but also to the formation of anti-heparin antibodies. [ … ]



Daniela Dragonetti - Department of Clinical Laboratory

Giuseppe Guarini - COVID Intensive Care

Michele Pizzuti - Department of Hematology “San Carlo” Regional Hospital, Potenza, Italy

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