
Haemophilia A (HA) and B (HB) entail common bleeding complications including musculoskeletal (joint, muscle, and soft tissue), mucocutaneous, and gastrointestinal bleeding. Musculoskeletal bleeding accounts for 70-80% of the total bleeding episodes, representing the hallmark of the disease1. Joint damage caused by haemarthrosis, is the most common bleeding feature of haemophilia, representing a significant impact on the morbidity and mortality of haemophilic patients worldwide, and especially in developing countries, because replacement treatment is not always available2,3. […]



Raimondo De Cristofaro - Haemorrhagic and Thrombotic Diseases Service, Area of Hematology, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario "A. Gemelli", IRCCS, Rome; Institute di Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Catholic University School of Medicine, Rome

Massimo Franchini - Italian National Blood Centre, National Institute of Health, Rome; Department of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, "Carlo Poma" Hospital, Mantua, Italy

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