Immunohematology (32)
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Identification of a novel ABO*O.01.01 allele with c.801G>T mutation in a Chinese A2 subtype individual
Post-transplant pediatric autoimmune hemolytic anemia: donor vs donor or recipient vs self?
Rh disease in Mexico: evaluating regional and institutional differences in treatment availability and disease management
CD36 antibodies in isoimmunised African-origin pregnant women: three years’ experience in Spain
ELP protocol: an original approach for the mitigation of anti-CD38 interference
Description of the first case of c.137-8C>T GYPB mutation not associated to the GYPB(P2) allele
Defining the breakpoints of hybrid blood group alleles
Single-exon fetal RHD genotyping: a 31-month follow up in the obstetric population of Western Sweden
Patients with red cell antibodies: registries improve patient care by increasing patient safety, reducing costs, and enabling health information exchange
Genomic characterisation of clinically significant blood group variants in Aboriginal Australians
Identification of the novel c.300C>G variation on the ABO*A1.02 allele associated with an AweakB phenotype
Noninvasive fetal blood group antigen genotyping
First investigation of RH gene polymorphism in patients with sickle cell disease and associated blood donors in Cameroon, Central Africa
Characterization of GYP(B-A-B) hybrid glycophorins among Thai blood donors with Mia-positive phenotypes
Pretreatment with Daudi cells eliminates anti-CD47 monoclonal antibody interference in immunohematology testing
Use of a recombinant deacetylase to convert A1 red blood cells to the acquired B phenotype for quality control purposes
Aplastic anemia after SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccines: case series and literature review
Breakpoint regions of an RHD-CE(4-9)-D allele and a rare JK allele in a Pacific Islander individual
A novel method for antibody specificity identification using microscale direct antiglobulin test-positive red cells
Genetic and mechanistic evaluation of an individual with para-Bombay phenotype associated with a compound heterozygote comprising two novel FUT1 variants
A voluntary transfusion recipient registry in Korea as a database for blood group antibodies
Significant neutropenia induced by metamizole dependent neutrophil antibodies
Prevention and treatment of COVID-19 by mono- and poly-clonal antibodies
Evaluation of an automated platform for non-invasive single-exon fetal RHD genotyping early in pregnancy
A rare case of congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia associated with possible neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia and neutropenia by anti-HLA antibodies
32 Items