Vol. 21 No. 1 (2023): Blood Transfusion 1-2023 (January-February)
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Original article
Influence of user-centered clinical decision support on pediatric blood product ordering errors
Motivators and barriers to blood donation among potential donors of African and Caucasian ethnicity
Multivariable statistical models to predict red cell transfusion in elective surgery
Hypoxic storage of murine red blood cells improves energy metabolism and post-transfusion recoveries
Stored whole blood transfusion initiates serum amyloid A activation monitored by real-time dynamic imaging
Acquired von Willebrand syndrome in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance investigated using a mechanistic approach
Efficacy and safety of von Willebrand factor concentrate almost devoid of factor VIII (Wilfactin®) in paediatric patients under 6 years of age with severe von Willebrand disease