Vol. 21 No. 5 (2023): Blood Transfusion 5-2023 (September-October)
Full Issue
Position paper
Original article
When the available blood supply mismatches the needs of the patient
Red blood cell alloantibodies in the context of critical bleeding and massive transfusion
Therapeutic efficacy of platelet transfusion treated with amotosalen/UVA pathogen inactivation technology (INTERCEPTtm Blood System) in acute myeloid leukemia patients undergoing chemotherapy with curative intent: a single center experience
Lipidomic analysis of differently prepared platelet concentrates in additive solution during storage
Dissecting the complexity of pediatric blood transfusions and risk of adverse reactions in Aotearoa New Zealand
Use of steroids in the management of low-risk myelodysplastic syndromes with autoimmune features